[:en]Announcement archives[:uz]E'lonlar arxivi[:ru]Архив объявлений[:]

[:en]Creation of a pathomorphology laboratory in the Tashkent branch of the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Oncology and Medical Radiology based on public-private partnership[:uz]Respublika ixtisoslashtirilgan onkologiya va tibbiy radiologiya ilmiy-amaliy tibbiyot markazining Toshkent shahar filialida davlat-xususiy sheriklik asosida patomorfologiya laboratoriyasini tashkil etish[:ru]Создание лаборатории патоморфологии в Ташкентском филиале Республиканского специализированного научно-практического медицинского центра онкологии и медицинской радиологии на основе государственно-частного партнерства[:]

[:en] Location of the project: Tashkent, Chilanzar district, Bogiston street, 1 Net present value (NPV): 1,058,085,945 soums Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC): 17.8% Internal Rate (IRR): 20% Download project concept[:uz] Loyiha joylashgan joy : Toshkent shahri, Chilonzor tumani, Bog’iston ko’chasi, 1-uy Sof diskontlangan daromad (NPV) : 1 058 085 945 so’m Kapitalning o’rtacha o’lchangan qiymati […]

[:en]Establishment of multidisciplinary medical center in Karshi[:uz]DXSH asosida Qarshi shahrida ko‘p tarmoqli tibbiyot markazini tashkil qilish[:ru]Создание многопрофильного медицинского центра в Карши[:]

[:en] This project envisages the establishment of a multi-profile medical center in the empty building of the outpatient clinic in Karshi, Kashkadarya region. 100% of project financing is expressed by a private initiative. The project was reviewed by the Ministry of Health as a public-private partnership working group and approved by the Minister of Health […]

[:en]Establishment of dental center in Ishtikhan district of Samarkand region[:uz]DXSH asosida Samarqand viloyati, Ishtixon tumanida stomatologiya markazini tashkil qilish[:ru]Создание стоматологического центра в Иштиханском районе Самаркандской области[:]

[:en] The project envisages the establishment of a modern dental center at the State Dental Clinic «Ishtikhan» in Samarkand region. At the State Unitary Enterprise «Stomatologiya poliklinikasi» there are dental, dental and dental services, which provide services to the population using outdated and physically outdated medical equipment. Net Present Value (NPV): 592 904 745 sums […]

[:en]The concept of the project to establish a medical center in the Urgench district of Khorezm region[:uz]DXSh asosida Xorazm viloyati, Urganch tumanida tibbiyot markazini tashkil qilish bo‘yicha loyiha konsepsiyasi[:ru]Концепция проекта по созданию медицинского центра в Ургенчском районе Хорезмской области[:]

[:en]Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated October 11, 2018 No PF-5552 «On the Review of Measures for the Development of Public Finance Facilities and Their Entrepreneurship Development» . Realization of work on creation of the state-health care medical center in the building of «Galaba» rural medical association Urgench district Khorezm region. […]

[:en]Improvement of drinking water supply quality in Yangibazar district, Khorezm region[:uz]Xorazm viloyati Yangibozor tumanida ichimlik suvi ta’minoti sifatini yaxshilash[:ru]Улучшение качества питьевого водоснабжения Янгибазарского района Хорезмской области[:]

[:en] Project Framework: For the first 25 years of public-private partnership in the use of water supply facilities in Yangibazar district of Khorezm region for the first 10 years 1 billion sums will be allocated from «City Building Sales» LLC and 4 billion soums. UZS for the re-registration of all consumers in the district and […]

[:en]Improvement of quality of drinking water supply in Yangiarik district of Khorezm region[:uz]Xorazm viloyati Yangiariq tumanida ichimlik suvi ta’minoti sifatini yaxshilash bo’yicha[:ru]Улучшение качества питьевого водоснабжения Янгиарикского района Хорезмской области[:]

[:en] Project Framework: For the first 25 years, within the framework of public-private partnership in the use of water supply facilities in Yangiarik district of Khorezm region, over the first 10 years, 3 billion soums will be allocated from City Building Sales LLC and 6 billion soums. UZS for the re-registration of all consumers in […]