
[:en]The International Finance Corporation is planning to implement a public-private partnership project at a thermal power plant in Syrdarya region[:uz]Xalqaro moliya korporatsiyasi sirdaryo viloyatidagi issiqlik elektr stansiyasida davlat-xususiy sherikligi loyihasini amalga oshirishni rejalashtirmoqda[:]

[:en]The Agency for Development of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) under the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan aims at improving the living standards and welfare of the population and the quality of infrastructure, including energy, transport, healthcare, education and preschool education. Works on a number of public-private partnership projects. In particular, the energy sector, […]

[:en]Open Meet up with entrepreneurs in the field of public-private partnership[:uz]Davlat-xususiy sherikligi sohasida tadbirkorlar bilan ochiq muloqot[:]

[:en]A roundtable was held with the participation of local entrepreneurs and businessmen in collaboration with the Ministry of Finance on 2019 May 24, the Public Private Partnership Development Agency and the Chamber of Commerce. Specialists from the Public Private Partnership Development Agency, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, businessmen and representatives of the private sector and […]

[:en]Construction of a «Tashkent-Andijan» toll road.[:uz]O'zbekistondagi Toshkent xalqaro aeroportini modernizatsiya qilish[:ru]Модернизация Ташкентского международного аэропорта в Узбекистане[:]

[:en] Construction of new toll road on PPP basis[:uz] O’zbekistondagi Toshkent xalqaro aeroportini modernizatsiya qilish[:ru]  Модернизация Ташкентского международного аэропорта в Узбекистане[:]

[:en]Construction of a «Tashkent-Andijan» toll road.[:uz]Toshkent — Andijon pullik avtomobil yo‘lini qurish loyihasi[:ru]Строительство платной дороги «Ташкент-Андижан».[:]

[:en]Construction of new toll road on PPP basis[:uz] Loyiha nomi: Toshkent — Andijon pullik avtomobil yo‘lini qurish (360 km) Loyiha manzili Toshkent-Farg‘ona-Namangan-Andijon Tomonlar Davlat sherigi: O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Transport vazirligi Loyiha tashabbuskori: O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Transport vazirligi Potensial xususiy sherik Tender g‘olibi Loyiha bo‘yicha ma’sul Xalqaro moliya instituti: Jahon banki Loyihani amalga oshirish turi: Loyihalash, qurish (modernizatsiya […]

[:en]Electric energy distribution transfer to management in Tashkent[:uz]Toshkent shahrida elektr energiyasini taqsimlashni boshqarish[:ru]Передача электроэнергии в управление в Ташкенте[:]

[:en]Electric energy distribution transfer to management under PPP basis in Tashkent city.[:uz] Toshkent shahrida DXSH asosida elektr energiyasini taqsimlash.[:ru]Передача электрической энергии в управление на базе ГЧП в г. Ташкенте.[:]

[:en]Construction/modernization of Combined Cycle Power Plant[:uz]Toshkent viloyatida IESni qurish / modernizatsiya qilish[:ru]Строительство / модернизация электростанции комбинированного цикла[:]

[:en] Construction/modernization of Combined Cycle Power Plant under PPP basis in Tashkent city.[:uz] Toshkent shahridagi DXH asosida bug’-gaz qurilmasini qurish / modernizatsiya qilish.[:ru] Строительство / модернизация электростанции комбинированного цикла на базе ГЧП в городе Ташкенте.[:]

[:en]Seminar on PPP Development[:uz]Davlat-xususiy sherikligi – Hukumat va investor o‘rtasidagi ko‘prik[:]

[:en] The PPP Development Agency under the Ministry of Finance together with the World Bank Group organized an international seminar on the theme “Development of public-private partnership: foreign experience and prospects for the Republic of Uzbekistan”. It was attended by representatives of ministries and departments, and members of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis. It […]