[:en]Kashkadarya region[:uz]Qashaqadaryo viloyati[:ru]Кашкадарьинская область[:]

[:en]ATTENTION ADVERTISEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kashkadarya region, Kitab district (7-lot) collection, transportation, sorting of household waste and announces the launch of a one-stage tender for a public-private partnership project for the provision of processing services. The application for participation in the tender, documents, according to preliminary assessment, […]

[:en]ATTENTION ADVERTISEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kashkadarya region, Kasbi district (6-lot) collection, transportation, sorting of household waste and announces the launch of a one-stage tender for a public-private partnership project for the provision of processing services. The application for participation in the tender, documents, according to preliminary assessment, […]

[:en]ATTENTION ADVERTISEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Kashkadarya region, Dehkanabad district (5-lot) collection, transportation, sorting of household waste and announces the launch of a one-stage tender for a public-private partnership project for the provision of processing services. The application for participation in the tender, documents, according to preliminary assessment, […]

[:en]ATTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQAT EʹLON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection announces the start of the first stage of a two-stage tender for a project for the provision of services for the collection, transportation, sorting and processing of household waste on the basis of public-private partnership in the Kashkadarya region of the Сhirakchi […]

[:en]ATTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQAT EʹLON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection announces the start of the first stage of a two-stage tender for a project for the provision of services for the collection, transportation, sorting and processing of household waste on the basis of public-private partnership in the Kashkadarya region of the Nishan […]

[:en]ATTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQAT EʹLON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection announces the start of the first stage of a two-stage tender for a project for the provision of services for the collection, transportation, sorting and processing of household waste on the basis of public-private partnership in the Kashkadarya region of the Kasan […]

[:en]ATTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQAT EʹLON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]The State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection announces the start of the first stage of a two-stage tender for a project for the provision of services for the collection, transportation, sorting and processing of household waste on the basis of public-private partnership in the Kashkadarya region of the Guzar […]

[:en]ATTENTION! ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen,[:uz]DIQQАT E’LON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ! ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]On July 10, 2020, the Order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the Concept of Water Management Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030” No. 6024 was adopted. In order to properly implement this order, the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the concept of […]

[:en]Offer to other applicants to declare their interest in the implementation of a project to create a medical center on an empty site of the Kashkadarya Regional Children's Multidisciplinary Medical Center on the basis of a public-private partnership.[:uz]Qashqadaryo viloyati bolalar koʼp tarmoqli tibbiyot markazining boʼsh yer maydonida davlat-xususiy sheriklik asosida tibbiyot markazini tashkil etish loyihasi yuzasidan boshqa talabgorlarga mazkur loyihaning amalga oshirilishidan manfaatdorligi toʼgʼrisida maʼlum qilish taklifi[:ru]Предложение другим претендентам заявить о своей заинтересованности в реализации проекта по созданию медицинского центра на пустующем участке Кашкадарьинского областного детского многопрофильного медицинского центра на основе государственно-частного партнерства.[:]

[:en]The Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan plans to implement a project to create a medical center on an empty site of the Kashkadarya regional children’s multidisciplinary medical center on the basis of a public-private partnership (hereinafter referred to as the Project), initiated by the private enterprise «ESSEL FORTE ARSLON». The Ministry of […]

[:uz]Qashqadaryo viloyati, Koson tumani, Quyi Obron qishlog’ida diagnostika laboratoriyasini tashkil etish[:]

[:uz] O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sog‘liqni saqlash vazirligi barcha manfaatdor tomonlarni Loyihaning amalga oshirilishidan manfaatdorligi to‘g‘risida ma’lum qilish taklifi taqdim etishlarini so‘raydi. Xususiy sherik mamlakatdagi o‘sib borayotgan bozordan manfaat ko‘radi hamda mamlakatda amalga oshiriladigan davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihalaridan birida ishtirok etish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladi. Loyiha yuzasidan xususiy sherikni tanlash O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Davlat-xususiy sheriklik to‘g‘risida”gi Qonuni asosida amalga oshiriladi. […]