[:en]Namangan region[:uz]Namangan viloyati[:ru]Наманганская область[:]

[:en]Announcement on the project of pumping stations under the Naryn-Syrdarya Irrigation Systems Basin Department and the use of the Baymoq pumping station in the Bostanlyk district of the Energy Department on the basis of public-private partnership.[:uz]Norin-Sirdaryo irrigatsiya tizimlari havza boshqarmasi huzuridagi nasos stantsiyalari va energetika boshqarmasiga qarashli Bo‘stonliq tumanida joylashgan “Baymoq” nasos stantsiyasidan davlat-xususiy sheriklik shartlari asosida foydalanish loyihasi bo‘yicha e’lon.[:ru]Объявление о проекте насосных станций при Нарын-Сырдарьинском бассейновом управлении оросительных систем и использовании насосной станции «Баймок» в Бостанлыкском районе Управления энергетики на условиях государственно-частного партнерства.[:]

[:en]The concept of the project on use of pumping stations under the Naryn-Syrdarya Irrigation Systems Basin Department and the Baymoq pumping station in Bostanlyk district of the Energy Department on the basis of public-private partnership has been approved. The potential public partner of the project concept – the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic […]


[:en]The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2021 No. 563 “On measures to increase student housing in the higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan” states to accelerate improvement of personal material resources of higher education institutions and to build student dormitories. Construction of a hostel […]


[:en]The Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated September 9, 2021 No. 563 “On measures to increase student housing in the higher education institutions of the Republic of Uzbekistan” states to accelerate improvement of personal material resources of higher education institutions and to build student dormitories. Construction of a hostel […]

[:en]ATTENTION! ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQАT E’LON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ! ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]In accordance with the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan No. ЗРУ-537 dated May 10, 2019 «On public-private partnership», with the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dated April 26, 2020 No. 259 «On improving the procedure for implementing public-private partnership projects» limited liability «YUKSALISH KO’RKAM SAVDO» presented an initiative […]

[:en]ATTENTION ADVERTISEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Namangan region Pop district (3-lot) collection, transportation, sorting of household wasteand announces the launch of a one-stage tender for a public-private partnership project for the provision of processing services. The An application for participation in the tender, documents, according to a preliminary […]

[:en]ATTENTION ADVERTISEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Namangan region Kosonsoy district (2-lot) collection, transportation, sorting of household wasteand announces the launch of a one-stage tender for a public-private partnership project for the provision of processing services. The An application for participation in the tender, documents, according to a preliminary […]

[:en]ATTENTION ADVERTISEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee for Ecology and Environmental Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Namangan region Chust district (1-lot) collection, transportation, sorting of household wasteand announces the launch of a one-stage tender for a public-private partnership project for the provision of processing services. The An application for participation in the tender, documents, according to a preliminary […]

[:en]ATTENTION! ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen,[:uz]DIQQАT E’LON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ! ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en] On July 10, 2020, the Order of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On approval of the Concept of Water Management Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2020-2030” No. 6024 was adopted. In order to properly implement this order, the Ministry of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan approved the concept […]

[:uz]Namangan viloyati, Chust tumani, “Qorakapa” mahallasida joylashgan 71-sonli umumta'lim maktabining foydalanilmasdan bo’sh turgan yer maydonida DXSh asosida NTM tashkil etish rejalashtirilgan. Qiziqish bildirish uchun E'LON[:ru]Namangan viloyati, Chust tumani, “Qorakapa” mahallasida joylashgan 71-sonli umumta’lim maktabining foydalanilmasdan bo’sh turgan yer maydonida DXSh asosida NTM tashkil etish rejalashtirilgan. Qiziqish bildirish uchun E’LON[:]

[:uz]O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Xalq ta’limi tizimini 2030-yilgacha rivojlantirish konsepsiyasini tasdiqlash to‘g‘risida” 2019 yil 29 apreldagi PF-5712-son Farmoni va O’zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidentining “Xalq taʼlimi tizimiga boshqaruvning yangi tamoyillarini joriy etish chora-tadbirlari toʻgʻrisida” 2018 yil 5 sentyabrdagi PQ-3931-son qaroriga asosan mavjud umumtaʼlim muassasalarini rekonstruksiya qilish va jihozlash sharti bilan nodavlat umumtaʼlim muassasalari obyektlarini qurish uchun […]

[:uz]Namangan viloyati Namangan tumani tibbiyot birlashmasiga qarashli sobiq yuqumli kasalliklar shifoxonasi binosida tibbiy diagnostika va davolash markazini tashkil etish bo‘yicha davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihasi yuzasidan boshqa talabgorlarga davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihasining amalga oshirilishidan manfaatdorligi to‘g‘risida ma’lum qilish taklifi[:]

[:uz]O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sog‘liqni saqlash vazirligi “Ziyo teks” MChJ tomonidan tashabbus qilingan Namangan viloyati Namangan tumani tibbiyot birlashmasiga qarashli sobiq yuqumli kasalliklar shifoxonasi binosida davlat-xususiy sheriklik asosida tibbiy diagnostika va davolash markazini tashkil etish loyihasini (keyingi o‘rinlarda – Loyiha) amalga oshirishni rejalashtirmoqda. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sog‘liqni saqlash vazirligi barcha manfaatdor tomonlarni Loyihaning amalga oshirilishidan manfaatdorligi to‘g‘risida ma’lum […]