Tender announcements

List of tenders for the project implemented on the basis of PPP

The PPP agreement will be signed with the tender winner or reserve winner determined by the results of the tender and the implementation of the project will begin.
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  • Culture
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  • Technology

Construction and reconstruction of the cultural center

Equipping and use of a modern cultural center on the vacant land belonging to the cultural center located in the Khatirchi district of Navoi region


Organization of daily labour centres

Organization of daily labor centers in Tashkent based on the conditions of public-private partnership of the Ministry of Poverty Reduction and Employment of the Republic of Uzbekistan


Implementation of equipment for a safe and smart city

To ensure safety and security in Urgut district, Samarkand region the proposal of the initiative for the introduction and use of smart city equipment based on public-private partnership


Construction and operation of student dormitory

Build and organize the activities of a student accommodation building

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