[:en]Jizzakh region[:uz]Jizzax viloyati[:ru]Джизакская область[:]

[:en]ATTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQАT E’LON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection announces the start of the first stage of a two-stage tender for the project of providing services for the collection, transportation, sorting and recycling of household waste on the basis of public-private partnership in the Zomin and Yangiobod districts of Jizzakh region. Sole […]

[:en]ATTENTION ANNOUNCEMENT! Dear entrepreneurs and businessmen![:uz]DIQQАT E’LON! Hurmatli tadbirkorlar va ishbilarmonlar![:ru]ВНИМАНИЕ ОБЪЯВЛЕНИЕ! Уважаемые предприниматели и бизнесмены![:]

[:en]State Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on Ecology and Environmental Protection announces the start of the first stage of a two-stage tender for the project of providing services for the collection, transportation, sorting and recycling of household waste on the basis of public-private partnership in the Gallaorol and Bakhmal districts of Jizzakh region. Sole […]

[:uz]Jizzax viloyati, Sharof Rashidov tuman tibbiyot birlashmasiga qarashli sobiq tuman akusherlik kompleksi hududida tibbiyot markazini tashkil qilish[:]

[:uz] O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Sog‘liqni saqlash vazirligi barcha manfaatdor tomonlarni Loyihaning amalga oshirilishidan manfaatdorligi to‘g‘risida ma’lum qilish taklifi taqdim etishlarini so‘raydi. Xususiy sherik mamlakatdagi o‘sib borayotgan bozordan manfaat ko‘radi hamda mamlakatda amalga oshiriladigan davlat-xususiy sheriklik loyihalaridan birida ishtirok etish imkoniyatiga ega bo‘ladi. Loyiha yuzasidan xususiy sherikni tanlash O‘zbekiston Respublikasining “Davlat-xususiy sheriklik to‘g‘risida”gi Qonuni va O‘zbekiston Respublikasi […]

[:en]Invitation for Expression of interest in 2 tenders to select IPPs for Samarkand and Jizzakh PV projects, appr. 200 MWac each, in cooperation with IFC[:uz]Samarqand va Jizzaxda IFC bilan hamkorlikda quyosh elektro stansiyasini qurish loyihasiga qiziqish bildirish uchun taklif[:]

[:en]MINISTRY OF ENERGY OF UZBEKISTAN MINISTRY OF INVESTMENTS AND FOREIGN TRADE AND “NATIONAL ELECTRIC GRIDS OF UZBEKISTAN” JSC INVITATION FOR EXPRESSION OF INTEREST   The Government of Uzbekistan has initiated a broad energy strategy to increase the share of renewable energy generation with up to 5GW in the next 10 years. As part of these reforms the […]