In 2022, the Indian company Nephroplus, the winner of the tender for the project, started the operation of the centers in the city of Nukus (150 patients) and the districts of Urganch (125 patients) and Bogot (125 patients) of the Khorezm region: Duration of the project is 10 years.
According to the project, the French company "Veolia" started its operations on July 1, 2022: Project term - 25 years; During the project period (30 years), "Veolia" company modernized a total of 181 facilities and boiler houses, built 575.6 km of heat networks, 51.5 thousand units of heat and 2.5 mln. Installation of hot water meters will be carried out.
On February 24, 2022, a PPP agreement was signed with Metito, the winner of the project tender: Project term - 25 years; A capacity of 100,000 m3 of sewage will be cleaned per day and 8 km long sewage networks will be constructed anew.
Project duration - 25 years, electricity tariff for 1 kW - 2.56 cents, more than 110 thousand households will be provided with uninterrupted electricity, more than 25 advanced wind turbines will be installed.
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