[:en]Launch of the first solar photovoltaic PPP project in Sherabad as part of the 1GW solar program developed by the Government of Uzbekistan with the support of the Asian Development Bank


The Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan is implementing a large-scale renewable energy strategy to deploy in the next 10 years up to 5GW of cost effective and environment-friendly solar generation to meet the increasing demand for electricity in the country.

As a key component of that deployment,  Government of Uzbekistan is launching a request for Expression of Interests for the first project of a 1GW solar photovoltaic program developed with the support of the Asian Development Bank (ADB). The program is promoted by the Ministry of Energy (MOE), the Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade (MIFT), and the Public – Private Partnership Development Agency under the Ministry of Finance (PPPDA).

A site situated in the Sherabad district of Surkhandarya region has been selected for the construction of a photovoltaic station with a minimum capacity of 200MWac including a new 220kV substation and a 52km transmission line to connect to the Surkhan 220kV substation.

The Government is currently preparing an international tender with the assistance of ADB to attract and select a qualified private developer-investor for the Project, under the new PPP Law. The Government of Uzbekistan now invites interested parties to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) in accordance with the requirements included in the request for EOI accessible on the websites of MOE, [NENU], MIFT and PPPDA:

Expression of Interest in Sherabad PV project tender with ADB

Expression of Interest Form to be filled and sent

The Government of Uzbekistan has long been promoting key reforms in the energy sector with assistance from ADB, including pioneering the development of solar power in Uzbekistan, starting with the creation of the solar institute in 2013, the establishment of the solar energy roadmap in 2014 and the commissioning of several studies to evaluate the solar potential in Uzbekistan. The Government mandated ADB in August 2019 to provide transaction advisory services for the 1GW solar program to help the country achieve its overall goals of lowering the cost of its energy sources for the benefit of the population, decreasing its dependence on fossil fuel, and reducing overall CO2 emissions in energy production.

We are announcing one more time that the deadline to submit Expression of Interests (EoI) form is February 22, 2020. We are extending the hard copy submission of EoI deadline from February 22, 2020, to March 2, 2020 Tashkent time.

Please note that the original deadline to submit EoI is remaining same as February 22, 2020, Tashkent time.

Addresses to send hard copies of EoI forms:

1. MOE: Ministry of Energy

c/o Mr. Abbasov and Mr. Umarbekov

Istiqbol str. 21

Tashkent, Uzbekistan 100047

2. MIFT: Ministry of Investments and Foreign Trade

c/o Mr. Abdukakhkharov

Islam Karimov Street, 1

Tashkent Uzbekistan, 100029

More detailed information can be found here.[:uz]O’zbekiston Respublikasi hukumati kelgusi 10 yil ichida mamlakatda ortib borayotgan elektr energiyasiga bo’lgan ehtiyojni qondirish uchun 5GVtgacha iqtisodiy va ekologik toza quyosh energiyasini ishlab chiqarish uchun qayta tiklanadigan energetikaning keng ko’lamli strategiyasini amalga oshirmoqda.

Ushbu joylashtirishning muhim tarkibiy qismi sifatida O’zbekiston hukumati Osiyo Taraqqiyot Banki (OTB) ko’magida ishlab chiqilgan 1 GVt quyosh fotoelektr dasturining birinchi loyihasi uchun qiziqish bildirish uchun so’rov yubormoqda. Ushbu dastur Energetika vazirligi (IV), Investitsiyalar va tashqi savdo vazirligi (MIFT) va Moliya vazirligi huzuridagi Davlat-xususiy sheriklikni rivojlantirish agentligi (PPPDA) tomonidan ilgari surilmoqda.

Surxondaryo viloyatining Sherobod tumanida joylashgan, minimal quvvati 200 MVt bo’lgan fotoelektr stantsiyasini qurish uchun Surxon 220 kV nimstantsiyasiga ulanadigan yangi 220 kV va 52 km elektr uzatish liniyasi kiritilgan.

Hozirgi vaqtda hukumat yangi DXH to’g’risidagi qonunga binoan, loyihani amalga oshirish uchun malakali xususiy ishlab chiquvchi-investorni jalb qilish va tanlash uchun OTB ko’magida xalqaro tenderni tayyorlamoqda. Endi O’zbekiston hukumati manfaatdor tomonlarga EOI to’g’risidagi so’rovda keltirilgan talablarga muvofiq, MO, [NENU], MIFT va PPPDA veb-saytlarida mavjud bo’lgan talablarga muvofiq bildirishni taklif qiladi:

Expression of Interest in Sherabad PV project tender with ADB

Expression of Interest Form to be filled and sent

O’zbekiston hukumati uzoq yillar davomida OTB ko’magida energetika sohasidagi muhim islohotlarni, shu jumladan, 2013 yilda quyosh institutini tashkil etishdan, 2014 yilda quyosh energiyasi bo’yicha yo’l xaritasini tuzishdan boshlab, O’zbekistonda quyosh energiyasini rivojlantirish sohasidagi kashfiyotlarni ilgari surmoqda. O’zbekistondagi quyosh potentsialini baholash bo’yicha bir qator tadqiqotlar o’tkazilishi. Hukumat 2019 yil avgustida OTBga 1 GVt quyosh energiyasi dasturi bo’yicha aholiga manfaati uchun energiya manbalarining narxini pasaytirish, qazib olinadigan yoqilg’iga qaramligini kamaytirish va umuman kamaytirishni maqsad qilib qo’yishda yordam berish uchun tranzit bo’yicha maslahat xizmatlarini ko’rsatishni topshirdi. Energiya ishlab chiqarishda CO2 chiqindilari.

Biz yana bir bor «Qiziqishlar ifodasi» (EoI) shaklini topshirishning oxirgi muddati – 2020 yil 22-fevral ekanligini e’lon qilamiz. Biz qog’ozning EOI taqdim etish muddatini 2020 yil 22 fevraldan 2020 yil 2 martgacha Toshkent vaqti bilan uzaytirmoqdamiz.

EOI taqdim etishning asl muddati 2020 yil 22 fevralda Toshkent vaqti bilan bir xil ekanligini unutmang.

EoI shakllarining qattiq nusxalarini yuborish uchun manzillar:

1. MOQ: Energetika vazirligi

c / o Abbosov va janob Umarbekov

Istiqbol ko’chasi 21

Toshkent, O’zbekiston 100047

2. MIFT: Investitsiyalar va tashqi savdo vazirligi

c / o janob Abduqahxarov

Islom Karimov ko’chasi, 1-uy

Toshkent O’zbekiston, 100029

To’liq ma’lumotni bu yerda topish mumkin.[:]